
A real offer from Spanish partners for real estate investors. Details if interested.

 The company Construcciones y Reformas El Rey is pleased to present the purchase/remodeling-reconstruction proposals for post-sale of the following properties. Likewise, we would like to explain our execution plan for the homes. The Company attached to the construction company Construcciones y Reformas El Rey looks for properties that have clear possibilities for sale after renovating them. These properties are purchased in the name of the investor, guaranteeing the tranquility of their investment. The workforce is provided by Construcciones y Reformas El Rey completely without benefits for it. Subsequently, the Company's real estate team sells the apartments/houses and the profit, after subtracting the investment of each house individually, the materials used for this purpose and expenses derived from the purchase/repair/sale of the property, this profit is distributed 50 % / 50% between investor and the attached company Construcciones y Reformas El Rey. Before starting the projec...

Sale of business in Spain/Alicante.